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Support leftist journalism in Hungary!

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Mérce is a leftist news site based in Budapest, Hungary.

We write about the struggle of everyday people, who are trying to make ends meet: how working class people are being exploited and the advocacy groups fighting to protect and expand their rights. We write about poverty and the system that creates and maintains it. We write about the efforts of those fighting to provide quality healthcare, education and dignified living spaces for all. We write about the fight against social exclusion of Roma people and the discrimination against the LGBT community, and the efforts to create a society where men and women are equal.

We stand for the poor and the oppressed, and we support the groups and communities who are fighting for a more equal, fair and just Hungary.

Mérce is the first news platform in Hungary financed 100% by the donations of our readers. We run no ads, we have no paywall. We are not constrained by anyone: we write what we truly believe. We are only accountable to our readers. The only way we can keep going is if you think it’s important to have an independent platform like this. Only if you support us.